可愛い虫たちの写真が満載の本 『癒しの虫たち』(川邊透・前畑真実著)を出版しました! ご注文はこちら(Amazonへ 楽天へ) 書店在庫確認 →丸善&ジュンク堂書店 →紀伊国屋書店 →旭屋書店 →未来屋書店 →有隣堂 →喜久屋書店 Shibanmushi Is written in kanji, it is a "dead bug" It looks like a small beetle female (female) or scarab beetle, and is rather a cute insect Nevertheless, there is a reason that the name was a bit disgraceful Shibanmushi The English name of "Deathwatch" It is said that the translation of this as a "watchman of death" is the origin of the 目次 1 羽アリに似た虫? それはイエシロアリのハネアリです;
茶色い小さい虫が家に発生したらシバンムシかも 種類や駆除方法 タスクル